segunda-feira, junho 27

Safira'11 - Festival de Artes na Paisagem

Safira, o festival de artes na paisagem, decorreu nos dias 24 e 25 deste mês, no Alentejo. Fui até lá com o Eduardo, Margarida e Leonor, para mais um encontro de diários gráficos. Ver mais imagens deste festival na página do facebook do mesmo - Chaparro Irrequieto.

4 comentários:

  1. I've always loved the fluidness of your drawings. I see that on the last times you're not anymore "an architect that almost don't draw buildings" as you told in Zaragoza and you've come back to buildings environments and all that stuff (always putting your attention on them as human environments, not only as buildings). I remember you also told about your interest in sculpture and I can tell you that my main interest when I draw buildings is about volumes and forms, I mean "buildings seen as sculptures". I hope we'll have the opportunity to talk about in Lisbon (where I'll be hosted by Eduardo and Margarida)

  2. Even though we've only been together a couple of times, this wonderful thing we both love to do - drawing - seams to bring people much closer :)

    Thank you for your kind words. I also love your work and will be following with excitement :)

    See you soon at the Symposium! :)

  3. El edificio parece el buen guardián de los personajes. Todo en un calmado mocimiento. En tu super-estilo. No será en Teruel, pero será en Lisboa. Nos vemos¡¡¡

  4. Querida Clara, con mucha pena mía no puedo venir a Teruel :( Que sea un suceso!!! Muchos dibujos lindos!!!! Nos vemos aquí en Lisboa! ;)
